I help you implement and develop self-organization and agility in your organization.

Digitalization is rapidly transforming the technical field. This has a strong impact on people in companies. Today’s VUCA world offers great challenges: Constant, unpredictable and rapid changes; preventive planning becomes almost impossible; complex problems and their effects are harder to understand; contradictory and paradoxical demands are placed on leaders and organizations.

The principles of an agile organization:

  • Each employee takes responsibility for his or her actions, work methods and team cooperation.
  • Openness and transparency are valued, promoted and required.
  • Experimentation is encouraged and failure is welcomed.
  • The team works continuously to improve collaboration, project management and its own skills.
  • Each employee communicates openly about problems and obstacles.
  • The focus is on the knowledge and talentsof the employees.
  • With more freedom, creative solutions are created and fully supported by the employees.
  • The relationship with the whole is established: Each employee takes responsibility for achieving the overall goal and not just his or her individual goal.
  • New customer requirements, significant improvements or possible innovations are recognized early on. This allows a quick reaction.
  • Each customer is directly involved in the process. Ideas and suggestions can be implemented in a customer-oriented way.
  • A flat hierarchy that allows for quick reactions.
  • Complex workflows and interdependencies as well as information flows are transparent.

A paradigm shift is underway. This requires leaders and companies to change in order to achieve good results.

The focus is on people and their needs: customers, stakeholders, employees. Thanks to a positive working atmosphere, employees are fully motivated and therefore work more efficiently.

On request, we offer coaching sessions to accompany you in this change.

Price: 300.- CHF /hour

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