I help you implement and develop self-organization and agility in your organization.

Self-organization in agile companies requires a paradigm shift and a questioning of leadership. Self-governing and agile companies are characterized by a clear focus on people: customers, stakeholders and employees. This means, among other things, more self-responsibility for each employee.

All employees are deployed according to their talents and are able to realize their potential and thus fully contribute. This fosters a positive work atmosphere:

  • Employees are motivated, the quality and productivity of their work increases.
  • Lucrative business opportunities, potential market risks or significant improvement measures are identified at an early stage.
  • Management is relieved and can focus on the development of the organization.
  • Work-related information is disclosed openly, which promotes exchange and partnership building.


  • Review of the current situation through an analysis of your company and each of your employees.
  • Joint development of the necessary support so that each employee can organize himself in an agile way.
  • Work on constructive communication, a priority factor in agile self-organization.
  • Concrete support in conflict resolution. Your employees are empowered to deal with conflicts in a constructive way.
  • Work with managers on leadership topics, their understanding of leadership as well as the changing demands and tasks in agile and self-organizing companies.

On request, coaching sessions to accompany you in this change.

Price: 300.- CHF / hour

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